Testing connectivity with ping

Ping is a basic program that verifies a particular IP address exists and accept requests. The computer acronym ping stands for packet internet or inter-Network Groper. The name was contrived to match the submariners’ term for the sound of a returned sonar pulse from an underwater object.

The ping command works by sending special Internet protocol ( IP ) packets, called internet control massage protocol ( ICMP ) Echo Request datagrams, to a specified destination. Each packet sent is a request for a reply. The output response for a ping contains the success ratio and round-trip time to the destination.

The ping command is used to test the NIC transmit and receive function, The TCP/IP configuration, and network connectivity. The following types of ping commands can be issued :

  • Ping – This is a unique ping and is called an internal loopback test. It is used to verify the TCP/IP network configuration.

  • Ping IP address of host computer – A ping to a host PC verifies the TCP/IP address configuration for the local host and connectivityto the host.

  • Ping default-gateway IP address- A ping to the default gateway indicates if the router that connects local network to other networks can be reched.

  • Ping remote destination IP address- A ping to remote destination verifies connectivity to a remote host.

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